Monday, October 29, 2012

Love My Sammie

Welcome to our BLOG! Finally, after hours and hours of contemplating creating a blog I have finally created one. This, of course only took me a few seconds to do, and now I am regretting not doing this sooner.

The first few weeks of having Sammie in our home I found myself making lists of everything I should do each day. I wanted to be a really good mom to her, which to me meant feeding her exactly on time, recording how much I fed her, recording how many wet and poopy diapers, trying to write in her baby journal often etc. I also really wanted to be a good wife since I was at home all day "doing nothing".  So I decided the house needed to be spotless and dinner needed to be made/planned before Scotty came home.  Trying to keep up with all of these things really took away from my time with Sammie. (Hmmm I should probably also mention that I spent a lot...and I mean A LOT of time watching t.v.series)  I found myself trying to feed her while I was reading, pumping, or watching a show. At the end of the day I felt like a waste of space and I didn't really feel like I was trying to get to know my daughter.  What a waste. So I finally came to my senses this last month and I have really tried to spend more time with Sammie and interacting with her cute little self.  She is just so fun. Here are some things we do together:  Sit on the bed while she smiles every time I smile at her, go on walks in the baby bjorn or stroller, sew bows for her cute head, swing in her swing, bounce in her bouncer, I try to remember to read to her,  and my favorite is just watching her while she plays on the ground and figures out how to move her little body. She is such a blessing in our home. She has made waking up at 2,3,4,5, or 6 in the morning enjoyable and I NEVER thought I would enjoy such a thing.

I still make lists everyday (I'm a master at making lists), but now before I go to do the dishes first thing in the morning I try to remember that there will always be dishes to do, laundry to fold, and bathrooms to clean. But I will never get the time back that could have been spent with my family. I am putting this on the blog so  I will always remember the importance of spending time with my family, even if it means a messy house or an ugly wife for the day:) 

There are so many things I should include in this post, but I will leave some for later. I hope she knows how much her mom and dad love her!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie. You should post some videos sometime too. Tell Sammie I miss her.
